“A single conversation across the table with a wise person is worth a month's study of books."
Chinese Proverb
Chinese Proverb
I thank God for the wise people in my life, (and the cracked-pots). I’ve been blessed with awesomely wise parents, sisters, mentors and friends. (as well as a few nuts) All of whom have added so much to my life.
You know who you are.
With you and through you I am learning to grab hold of life’s lessons from the tiniest moments to the grandest accomplishments.
I’m learning how to appreciate the hard knocks, (the sharp rocks, the monstrous mountains, the cavernous canyons, blisters, headaches, door slams, hang-ups….) for through them my character is growing (Though it could use a band-aid from time to time.)
I've learned how to appreciate and analyze each failure (oh joy!!). For if it weren’t for the failures there would be no successes.
I’m learning not to give up (or run screaming to the hills of Montana), but to press on with determination (like the little engine), when everything in me wants to throw in the towel.
I’ve learned that….
Laughter, Tears, (or laughter to tears), Encouragement, Wise words, and Good conversations; spent with a wise person, a good friend, a trusted confidant…
…..are worth far more than a whole library of encyclopedias.
Thanks you guys.
Expect GREAT thinks and decide to have and AWESOME day.
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