Why does a person sabatage their own goals? I'm super good at setting them, but when it comes to carrying out the plans, a selfish bit of me raises up and becomes bigger than the plan at the time. For instance,; making phone calls for my business in the late afternoon or evening. I can have great resolve all day long to do it, and when the time comes for doing it, either something much more pressing comes along, or I get so sleepy that I just want to close my eyes for a minute, etc. Then the calls dont get made. One thing I shouldn't do is wait till the end of the day to do the important things. Do them first whent the energy level is high. Maybe my book is suppose to be about overcoming procrastination. It seems that the published authors that Ive heard about recently have had some major crisis, problem, obstacle etc to overcome. They've written about how they did it and then gotten published. I've always had a nagging feeling in the back of my mind that my life hasnt been interesting enough for people to want to read about it. If I could get a grasp of, and keep it on overcoming procrastination, it might be the way God will use me.
Another nagging thought is that the book has already been written, I've read many and I'm still struggling with procrastination. Is there really a need for another self help book that might get read, but probably wont get followed. -- Dear God, show me what to do and help me to be obedient to you and your word. Teach me how to overcome procrastination and do the things that need to be done. Help me to have a godly attitude as I do them and give me courage, braverey and faith to do them. Because I know that once they are complete I will look back and see that the fear was much greater than the obstacle. Amen. Expect the best and decide to make it a great day.
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