Sunday, August 16, 2015

High Expectations are the key...

"High EXPECTATIONS are the key to everything." ~ Sam Walton

Good Morning Lord. Thank You Lord for providing me with a new morning, for the fact that You are always near me and will never leave me. I love You. I love Your Word.


3 Things that I am grateful for this morning are ...


- That I still have my parents. So many people have gone through life with only one, some with none. I have been so blessed to have mine in my life, even now, into my 50's. Please Lord, continue to keep them safe and healthy. Please bless them and give them relief from thier pain. May I be a blessing to each one of them.


- Financial security. Thank You Lord that we both have good jobs. Thank You that we are both able to contribute to our budget and grow in wisdom toward a safe and sound financial future. Please continue to bless those who bless us and give each one financial security.


- For healthy, happy grandkids. Lord, You know that they are such a blessing in our lives. Please protect them and bless them. Give them wisdom, good friends, financial peace, and all that they need to grow up into loving, responsible, God honoring adults.


3 things that will make today a great day, that are in my power are...


- renewing my mind... only thinking good thoughts.

- being a blessing to another human being. Making them smile, helping someone, what ever it takes.

- spending time in Gods word, prayer and meditation.


I have High EXPECTATIONS. I am a woman of faith, courage and enthusiasm... I go boldly, with faith and confidence into each situation, knowing that I am prepared and knowledgable, and up to the task. And I come out a WINNER every time.

Friday, August 14, 2015

Blessed beyond Measure...

"For, he that expects nothing shall not be disappointed, but he that expects much—if he lives and uses that in hand day by day—shall be full to running over." ~ Edgar Cayce

Good Morning Lord. I love You Lord. May I glorigy You Lord. Please forgive me of my sins and order my day... my life. Thank You for this new day and new mercies this mornings.

3 things I'm thankful for this morning are...

- God's word.... I so love the word of God. Thank You Lord that I can open my Bible every day a learn something new, or get closer to You Lord. Thank You that I still have the freedom to read the Word of God.

- My friendship with Joanna T. Thank You Lord that I met her 6 years ago and we have stayed friends. She is an inspiration to me and I pray that she knows you as her personal savior, friend, hope and salvation. May I be instrumental in getting her there.

- Susie A. My hairdresser and friend. Thank you that I found her. She is such a blessing to me and a true witness for You LOrd. Please bless her life and her family.

3 things that will make today great are...

- using my gifts and talents to glorify God.

- spending time in prayer and meditation.

- Spending time working....

I am a woman of high expectiation and high accomplishment. I am blessed. My cup runs over with the blessings of the Lord and the fruits of my labor. I am blessed beyond measure.