Sunday, April 12, 2015

Powerful morning ritual

Do you have a morning ritual?  I bet you do.  What is it like?  Do you hit the snooze alarm 3 or 4 times before finally dragging yourself out of bed with a grumble, with barely enough time to grab a quik shower, a cup of coffee and dash out the door? Or, do you allow yourself some time to think when you first get up?  

Are you aware that you have the ability to create a good day or a bad day.  Or at least turn what looks to become a bad day into a good one. That's right, you have that kind of power. And it all starts with the thoughts you think first thing in the morning.

I understand that everyone is different, and thousands of senarios happen in homes every single day.  But many of those morning scenes turn into disaster with the tiniest mishap, for the simple reason that the person didn't chose to "think" first thing in the morning.  That's right, they go through their morning ritual without turning on thier mind.  I don't mean thoughts don't run through their minds at a a lightning pace, after all there is that morning meeting at the office, and the dry cleaning needs to be dropped off, and the kids lunches made, the dog walked, oh.. and that shirt left soaking with the wine stain from last night....etc, etc etc. A million things are constantly bombarding our minds.

But, happy is the person who takes control of the thoughts that go through her mind.  Which is a whole study in and of itself.  But the point I would like to make today, is that we can get a head start on our day by taking 5 minutes in the morning to think.  

I listened to a program the other day called "Family Talk with Dr. James Dobson: A Travel Guide to life".  Ryan Dobson was talking about something he and his wife do every day called the 5 Minute Journal. I took some notes.   I think this is one of the easiest ways to start your day with intention and focus, and to start it off on the right foot.  Though I do something similar in my morning quiet time, it takes a lot more time.    I know that not everyone has the desire to be up before the chickens.  So, this is an excellent way to start your day, and it only takes 5 minutes.  Here it is....  

1. Read an inspirational quote or challenge.  Copy it into your journal.  
2. Write 3 things you are grateful for today. (Try not to repeat yesterday's)
3. Write 3 things that would make today great, that are within your power.
4. Write a declarative statement about yourself, something you hope to acheive.  Example: "Im organized and tidy"

Ryan and his wife also do this in the evening.  If you'd like more info on that you can check out

I challenge you to try it out for a week or two.  Get up 5 or 10 minutes earlier.  Kick start your brain. Put yourself in a possitive state of mind.  I'll bet you it makes a difference in your day.   I'd love to hear how it works for you.  

Happy Sunday.


Friday, April 3, 2015

Today is Good Friday

Today's Good Friday.  I never took the time to really digest what today was about.  I dont mean to say that I didnt understand the meaning of Good Friday.  But I never sat down and read, and absorbed what took place on that day.  The physical pain that Jesus endured is so hard to fathom, that I never really went beyond that.  But today, I have been reading my devo with the other SRT sisters,
, and there is sooo much more.  The shear weight of the burden of every sin that has ever or will ever be committed.... we will just never understand... I just cant fathom it.  And... the crowd that gathered to watch this specticle.... something happened... changed in them.  When the lights went out for 3 hours.. and the veil in the temple was torn in half... oh, the gravity of what they had just seen, even taken part in... they went home "beating their chests"!  Whoa!  
Psalm 22:27-31Luke 23:44-49Mark 15:33-39John 19:28-30

My heart is so heavy as tears flow down my cheeks at the thought of what took place on this day... for me!  Yet, it brings so much joy!  Joy to know what took place on this day FOR ME!  Though I dont deserve it, I can now have a relationship with my heavenly Father.  And....

"Because it is finished, there is nothing that any one of us can contribute to Jesus’ work on the Cross to bring us any closer to salvation." 

Thank You Jesus!  Thank you for your sacrifice for me... for all of us this day.  I'm so grateful that all I have to do is accept it.