There are so many small blessings in our lives and we don't always see them or appreciate them.
Todd and I kept our grand kids for a long weekend this past week. This was our first with these 2 for more than one night. . We were so sure that we would be able to get these precocious kids to transform into little cherubs in the 3 days that their parents were gone. We just knew that our ways were so much better than theirs and they just didn't get it. After all, we are all those years older and wiser, and we have all that experience of raising 3 kids of our own. (HA!)
What we had forgotten was the fact that little kids are full of energy and we (being in our 50s) aren't!
After a day of trying to corral them and fit them into our mold, unsuccessfully, we took a few cues from our kids (their parents).
1. A little sugar goes a long way! (eggs instead of cereal on the 2nd day made all the difference.
2. Kids need to run and jump and scream and splash and have fun. (they cant help it, it's their nature.)Pools and parks are a wonderful thing.
3. Bed time is when they are tired, not when we are. But, once we figured out what their routine was, it made it so much easier.
Once we got the rules down, we found a world of pleasure in spending time with our little cherubs.
Expect GREAT things and decide to make it an awesome day.
Haha!! Love you guys!!